
Thursday, April 4, 2019


Home Chemistry: Introduction

Aim: To learn the names of 10 household chemicals, their elements, and reactions with other substances.


1. Dishwashing Detergent
2. Lemon
3. Salt
4. Vinegar
5. Sugar
6. Air Freshener
7. Onion
8. Lemonade
9. Bleach
10. Baking Soda

Task 1: Put the chemicals in a chart with the titles: Name, Chemical ingredient(s), Image, Solid/Liquid/Gas.

Chemical ingredient(s)
Sodium chloride

Lemon Juice
Citric Acid

monosaccharide molecules

acetic acid

pigments, enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids (substances with fatlike properties), and gases.

Onion Gas
sulfenic acid

Citric Acid

hydrogen peroxide

Baking soda

Monday, April 1, 2019

Playback and Music Learning Story

This term we have had Playback we had to make a learning story about it and I will be posting more of these hopefully here it is I hope you enjoy finding out what I did bye have a good day.

Title: Movie Magic
Teachers: Mrs Hastie and Whaea Raewyn
Date: 25.03.19
Year 8 Graduate Profile

People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions
  • I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am an outstander – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time

Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people

Learning Smart
  • I am organised and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do

Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively

  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes

Skills I have displayed
Learning outcomes:
1. Movie Script
  • I didn’t complete a movie script
  • I completed a movie script
  • I completed a movie script that had a start, problem/solution and end
  • I completed a movie script that made sense and had a start, problem/solution and end

2. Filming:
  • I did not complete filming of my movie
  • I completed filming my movie
  • I completed filming my movie with different camera angles
  • I completed filming my movie with different camera angles and music for effect

3. Blogging
  • I did not complete a blog post
  • I completed 1 blog post
  • I completed 2 blog posts
  • I completed 3 or more blog posts

4. Working with others
  • I found it challenging to work in a group
  • I worked well in a group at times
  • I mostly worked well in my group
  • I enjoyed working productively with my group

I contributed well in my group by helping out with making and organising  costumes and I acted in our movie.
I was a good team member and I listened to people in my group and let them have their opinion

- Self discipline
- Commitment
- Resilience
-resource full
Students Comment
I enjoyed making a movie with my friends and acting.
Teachers Comment
Whānau Comment

Title:  P.E Hurumanu
Name:  Sharney
Teachers:Mrs Shehata
Year 8 Graduate Profile

People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions
  • ~I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am an outstander – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time

Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • ~I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people

Learning Smart
  • I am organised and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do

Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively

  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes

Skills I have displayed
In playback this term we have learnt lots  of different games , one of the main games we researched about was Ki o Rahi . Ki o Rahi is a traditional Maori game , we researched this for around 2 weeks ,we then  played it it .

We also played some other warm up games such as long ball, kick long ball,fat mat splat ,bench ball, silly bananas .Even tho they were only warm up games it was fun to play my favourite was bench all or kick long ball.

One of the main things was where our team was given a sport and we got to make our own version of it to make it different and funner and like cooler to play. We got like 2 hours to organise our version of the game touch.

My group modified our sport (Touch) We made our own version called 2 ball touch it's like normal touch but if you get touched when you have the ball you go to the other ball it's pretty simple.

When we got to play other peoples sport and our sport It looked fun but it was confusing because I don't know how to play touch even tho I was told like 10 times how to play the game I still didnt know how to play it .

The teams that taught us were netball (Ds) and touch (Ds ). My thoughts during football were that the game seemed pretty fun I liked the idea if your team got a goal you got to pick someone from the other team to be out , although I don't think many people were listing when the other team was trying to explain there was to play  football . My thoughts during netball it seemed confusing but I got the hang of it and it was really fun.

Student comment : This term has been really fun, I have enjoyed all of the games in this term and I have learned a lot of new games I hope I have pe again this year, My favourite thing this term in playback was probably making our own version of touch or netball or football.

Team work
Role Model
Students Comment

Teachers Comment
Whānau Comment